
An increasingly transparent, competitive, meritocratic and loyalty-based remuneration system

Webuild Remunerazione

The Remuneration Policy is aimed at attracting and motivating qualified professional resources for pursuing Company and Group goals, at incentivizing retention of these resources and, therefore, stabilizing their employment relationship with the Company. It also aims at aligning management interests as much as possible with medium-long term interests of shareholders and stakeholders, through a performance assessment process that takes place not only on a yearly basis, but also over a longer time frame.


The principles on which the Webuild Remuneration Policy is based

  • Fairness: in terms of rewarding the knowledge and professional skills of individuals as well as recognizing the roles and responsibilities assigned, the results achieved and the quality of the professional contribution given
  • Proportionality: in terms of consistency and correspondence of the remuneration with the role performed, the complexity of the tasks assigned and the related responsibilities, as well as the skills and abilities demonstrated, without prejudice to compliance with national collective agreements in force, where applicable; 
  • Competitiveness: in terms of essential balance of the remuneration levels in relation to those of the reference market for similar positions and roles with a similar level of responsibility and complexity, as analyzed through a benchmark analysis conducted - and periodically reviewed - using a panel of large-cap Italian and European listed companies qualifying as regards the business sector and industrial complexity, as peers or comparables; 
  • Meritocracy: in terms of consistent rewarding of results obtained from actions put in place for their achievement, (which must be oriented towards constant compliance with existing regulations and procedures), with a definition of the performance targets based on the assumptions and general conditions known at the moment of said definition and with the elimination, even when assessing the performance targets assigned falling within the manager's control, in order to guarantee comparability of results and the valorization of the actual company performance linked to managerial activity; 
  • Sustainability: in terms of consistency of overall remuneration payments made with the primary need of maintaining the economic-financial balance of the Company over time; 
  • Transparency, in terms of: recognition of the incentives linked to variable remuneration following a scrupulous process of verification of the results achieved, carried out also through the assistance of structures responsible for analyzing and certifying the fairness and consistency of the data and methods used to calculate the above-mentioned incentives; the provision of clawback clauses which will permit the Company to reclaim, in whole or in part, variable components of remuneration that were awarded to individuals who, whether intentionally or through gross negligence, altered the data used to achieve objectives or carried out behaviors in breach of company, contractual or legal regulations.


Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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Last update: March 25, 2024