Our Business Model
Competence and innovation, centralized governance, sustainability: three strategic levers at the base of our business model

Today, demographic growth and urbanisation, resource scarcity and climate change strongly influence the lives and needs of people, globally. Due to these global challenges, companies and public bodies must rethink their priorities and business models.
The Webuild business model is focused on optimizing results, in terms of quality, alignment with agreed client costs and timings, and in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability, for all our stakeholders. The Group's Business Model is structured to support clients in building complex infrastructures that allow them to effectively address the current megatrends , through three distinctive strategic levers - competence and innovation, centralized governance, and sustainability.
Webuild contributes to achieving 11 of the main SDGs Sustainable Development Goals. We do so by creating shared value for our shareholders, investors, clients, employees, suppliers and the communities where we work.
In fact, through our projects, we create social value for entire communities, environmental value for the territories where we work, and economic value for our shareholders and investors.
The infrastructure we build is much more than just an engineering masterpiece: it can improve the lives of people, by offering solid advantages. These advantages define our business sectors.
Business model
We contribute to reaching 11 of the main SDGs targets. We do this through a business model that is founded on strategic levers like construction excellence, innovation and responsible conduct, creating shared value

#WePromote a Sustainable World
Sustainable development principles fully permeate our Group, both in terms of core business and corporate processes. This integration is represented by Webuild's Sustainability Strategy, which identifies the sustainability of our works and construction sites, as the two pillars on which the Group's commitment and reputation are based. We build works that contribute to the sustainable development of territories. We adopt a policy and management system framework aimed at ensuring compliance with the highest ethical, integrity, social and environmental principles.
Corporate Governance
In recent years, Webuild has strengthened its organizational structure intervening profoundly on its corporate culture and on the active involvement of the main decision-making and operational levels, to ensure an optimal supervision of all core processes, from commercial planning to bidding & execution processes. This supervision is ensured by a centralized governance system which is expressed through our Corporate "Competence Centres", which ensure on one hand, that our best practices and Group guidelines are applied in all our subsidiaries and, on the other, the'' optimization of skills and operational synergies along the entire value chain, also overseeing reputational risks and brand value matters.