"Agnes in Lumen" Concert Event in Piazza Navona, Rome
The "Agnes in Lumen" Concert is an event organized in Rome by Webuild in the splendid surroundings of the Sant'Agnese in Agone Church in Piazza Navona.
A unique evening filled with Art and Music, inspired by the greatest musical minds of Baroque music, with protagonist Accademia Barocca di Santa Cecilia. Boris Begelman (solo violin and director), Sara Blanch (soprano) and Andrea Lucchi (trumpet) will be the protagonists of a significantly fascinating programme, which will go through the propitious Baroque period of Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Corelli, Händel and Telemann.
"Agnes in Lumen" - Guarda la videonews
Treasures to protect, safeguard, guard, so that they can also speak to future generations, survive in the cities where we live and work every day.
The Sant'Agnese in Agone Church within it its Crypt, where the martyrdom took place, is one of these treasures: an important historical heritage.
Relive the concert event in Piazza Navona
"Agnes in Lumen" - Rivivi l'evento
Agnes in Lumen. Concerto Evento Webuild a Piazza Navona, Roma
Our commitment to the Sant'Agnese in Agone Crypt in Rome
Webuild contributed to requalifying the Sant'Agnese in Agone Crypt through an artistic and architectural illumination project that was both created and donated by the Group. Webuild's initiative - which belongs to the "Agenda Cultura" programme - allowed the Crypt to once again be imbued in its intimate and suggestive atmosphere, respecting its history.
Agnes in lumen. The project for the enhancement of the Sant'Agnese in Agone Crypt
Sant'Agnese in Agone, Cripta

“Superbarocco” Cultural Project
The Baroque period: the essence of wonder
Th "Agnes in Lumen" concert is part of the initiatives of the cultural project named "Superbarocco", promoted by Webuild and dedicated to the period of greatest artistic splendour of Italian art. Webuild wishes to contribute to valuing the artistic heritage and Italy's territories: the Baroque story become an inspiration to meet the challenges for relaunching Italy in economic and occupational terms.