September 22, 2023

Pietro Salini presents works on the New Breakwater Dam of Genoa to Prime Minister Meloni, a strategic enterprise for the Ligurian and national port systems

Webuild’s experience at the service of the country 

Including addressing solutions to the hydrological crisis


Genoa, September 22, 2023 – On the occasion of the Genoa Boat Show, special focus was given on the works of Genoa's New Breakwater Dam for the benefit of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni whom Webuild Group CEO Pietro Salini illustrated the project, unique considering the engineering challenges. The construction work, executed by the Consortium led by Webuild, with Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime, Fincosit and Sidra, represents the greatest enterprise ever realised in the intent of upgrading Italian port systems.

Present in Genoa, accompanying Prime Minister Meloni, the Minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto, the Prefect Renato Franceschelli, the President of the Region Giovanni Toti, the Mayor Marco Bucci and the Port Commissioner Paolo Piacenza

The encounter offered an opportunity for an update on the construction work in progress on Genoa's New Breakwater Dam. In the coming days the yard will complete the 850 submerged columns of the first test field involving about 370 thousand tons of rock material deposited on the seabed. The project, commissioned by the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority and co-financed by the Government with additional resources from the NRRP, foresees the involvement of more than 1,000 directly and indirectly employed staff for its realization and already engages more than 80 companies in the supply chain, mostly Italian. 

The serious Italian hydrological crisis was then also addressed with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, illustrating possible ways and means to face the challenge in a long-term perspective. Able to rely on the Group’s global experience in the hydrological sector throughout the entire production cycle, Webuild has confirmed that it is at the service of the country in contributing to the realization of an integrated infrastructure project, taking advantage of the investment policy in the sector as well as NRRP resources. Interventions such as in desalination plants would enable meeting water requirements in a stable and structural way, aligning Italy with the standards of those countries that have already invested in similar plants for the production of drinking water, by means of Italian technologies and know-how as well.

Today Webuild Group is engaged in the realization of 31 infrastructural projects in Italy – from the high capacity railway lines in Sicily, to the Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Genoa junction, to Rome's Metro C underground line – in partnership with 10,500 supply chain companies on board right from the beginning of the activities and a workforce that the Group can count on of over 16,300 employees, alone in Italy, including directly and indirectly employed staff of which about 9,500 are concentrated in northern and over 6,800 in central and southern Italy, including the Islands..

Pietro Salini presents works on the New Breakwater Dam of Genoa to Prime Minister Meloni
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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