February 29, 2024

New Shareholder Agreement signed between CDP Equity and Salini S.p.A.

(main Webuild shareholders

Milan, February 29, 2024 – Webuild S.p.A. (“Webuild” or the “Company”) informs that today its main shareholders, Salini S.p.A. and CDP Equity S.p.A. (“CDP Equity”) – a company controlled and managed and coordinated by Cassa Depositi and Prestiti S.p.A. – prematurely renewed the shareholder agreement in force between them (which was originally signed on August 2, 2019 during the industrial initiative better known as "Progetto Italia", and subsequently renewed at the first expiry date – the "Original Investment Agreement"), replacing it with a new agreement, with a duration up to February 28, 2027, which includes reciprocal commitments with regard to governance matters and the stability of the shareholder arrangement of the Company (the "New Agreement"). 

The signing of the New Agreement testifies to the commitment of the main Webuild shareholders, even through specific lock-up commitments, ensuring continuity of the governance, management and shareholder structure of the Company along a temporal horizon during which Webuild, among other things, will be protagonist in constructing important infrastructural works included within the National Resilience Plan (PNRR - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza). 

The Company adhered to the New Agreement - according to which the Essential Information will be made available, pursuant to the Law, on the company website (www.webuildgroup.com) in the "Governance/Other documents" - section, with the sole intention of expressing its consensus to the premature rescission of the Original Investment Agreement that it signed in the aforementioned Progetto Italia.

New Shareholder Agreement signed between CDP Equity and Salini S.p.A.
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