The Strait of Messina Bridge
The Bridge that joins Italy to Europe
The Strait of Messina Bridge is not just an extraordinarily important engineering work, but also the courage of a project that defines the future, bringing together generations to build something together.
Italy, with the Bridge project, projects itself on the global scene with an incredible work from an engineering and transport perspective.
The Strait of Messina Bridge is a huge technological challenge. 3km of the Bridge will be suspended in the Strait, a magical place where it will be possible to meet the Magna Graecia. It is also the Italian challenge towards the rest of the world.
Latest news
Webuild 29/01/2025
Webuild CEO Pietro Salini: Strait of Messina Bridge can be built with no risks, with legality. We have all of the skills required to build it
“Whether or not to build the Strait of Messina Bridge is mere politics and has nothing to do with technical engineering matters. What we can say is in fact that we, as a Group, with our supply chain, have all the technical and technological skills to build it solidly, and with no risks. And always with the maximum respect of legality. Just like we daily demonstrate both in Italy and globally by designing, building and delivering complex works". This is what Webuild CEO Pietro Salini said today during the Restart programme on Italian TV channel Rai 3.
Engineer Explains How the World’s Longest Suspension Bridge Would Work | WSJ
How will the Strait of Messina Bridge be like? The 3D reconstruction of the original projects – Geopop / Webuild
Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, straordinaria opportunità di sviluppo infrastrutturale per il Paese

The bridge in numbers
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Total length
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The suspended span
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Width of the deck
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Height of the towers
Ponte Stretto Messina Webuild