Waste-to-energy plant in Gdansk
Project's overview
Civil and Industrial Buildings
In progress

The project foresees the construction of a Waste-to-Energy Plant to treat urban waste in the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot metropolitan area and O&M activities for 25 years. The plant will treat 160,000 tons per year of urban waste, supplying about 12 MW of electric power for a production of about 110,000 MWh/year, enough energy to serve 55,000 families. Heat production into the local heating network will be able to provide citizens up to 36 thermal MW, sufficient to cover the heating needs of approximately 4,200 families.

Technical data
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m3 Volume
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m2 Surface
Waste-to-energy plant in Gdansk
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina