Gilgel Gibe II Hydroelectric Power Plant Project

The Gilgel Gibe II Hydropower Project is the second of the three plants included in the Gibe – Omo cascade and it is located some 250 km south- west of Addis Ababa and 80 Km north-east of Jima.
The project foresees a 50 m high gravity dam, with a crest length of 140 m.
The gross head of 505 m is created by a water way that crosses the ridge between the Gilgel Gibe valley and the Omo valley by means of 26 km of power tunnel and 1.2 km of penstocks.
The 26 Km power tunnel (D = 6 m) is being excavated almost entirely using TBM technology.
No. 4 Pelton turbines in the outdoor power house provide 420 MW installed power producing 1650 GWh annually.
With Gibe II, the national power has increased by 80%, achieving the goal set by the government of bringing electric energy to one million new users and allowing 20% of the population to have access to electricity by 2010.
Client: Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo)

Technical data
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m Dam height
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m Crest length
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MW Installed power
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Gwh Energy output per year