Brenner Base Tunnel - Mules 2-3 Lot

The contract refers to the construction of the main section of the Italian side of the Brenner Base Tunnel, the joint Italian-Austrian project to build a railway tunnel that will connect Italy to Austria.
The work is part of the project to upgrade the Munich-Verona railway line. Once completed, it will be the longest underground railway link in the world.
The Mules 2-3 Lot involves building approximately 65 kilometers of tunnels, of different sections, (an exploratory tunnel, 2 main line tunnels, cross tunnels and the emergency stop, including the related access tunnel), partly excavated with the traditional method, and partly with the use of TBMs.

Sustainability KPIs
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tons of Co2 emissions avoided per year
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% travel times reduction
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passengers expected per year
Technical data
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m3 Concrete
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km Tunnels excavation traditional
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km Tunnels excavation mechanized
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m3 Tunnels excavation volume
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m Tunnels Diameter main
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m Tunnels Diameter exploratory