Verona-Padua High-Speed/High-Capacity railway

A crucial project for Italy’s integration into the Mediterranean Corridor


Project's overview


In progress
AV Verona-Padova, Ponte sul Torrente Guà, Italia

The Verona-Padua HS / HC Line, with a total route of 76.5 km (through the territory of the provinces of Verona, Vicenza and Padua), is a strategic piece of infrastructure for Italy, in that it forms part of the Mediterranean Corridor of the TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network (Europe’s core network). The line is divided into 3 functional lots.

The project is being built by the IRICAV DUE consortium. It consist of approximately 83% by the Webuild Group and 17% by Hitachi Rail STS.


The first functional lot will run for 44.2 kilometres crossing 13 municipalities. By quadrupling the existing railway, it will improve the quality of the train service and strengthen its links to a European network, helping reduce the impact on the environment as well as the number of road accidents.

The second functional lot, which is also under construction, pertains to the Vicenza Crossing, which will stretch for approximately 6.2km from the town of Altavilla Vicentina to Vicenza station, as well as incorporating the modernisation of 4.8km of existing track. 

The third functional lot, which is currently in the design stage, pertains to the Vicenza-Padua stretch, which will cover move than 26km.

Technical data Lot 1

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ml. Embankments

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ml. Viaducts

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ml. Tunnels

The project represents an important link across the country’s northeast. It also serves as an example of how infrastructure can bring employment and foster economic revival.

The project, part of the high-speed/high-capacity railway Turin-Milan-Venice, will belong to the Mediterranean Corridor that will link Spain and Ukraine. One of the strategic trans-European transport corridors (the so-called TEN-T core network), it will connect southwestern European countries with countries to the east. The Corridor will support traffic between Europe and Asia. In Europe, meanwhile, it will handle traffic between the southern and eastern regions. With the addition of the line between Milan and Venice to the national network, 75% of the Italian population will have access to high-speed rail service.

Sustainability KPIs

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Co2 emissions avoided per year

+ + +

Passengers expected per year

AV Verona-Padova, Galleria Artificiale, Italia

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Linea Alta Velocità Verona-Padova, Lotto 2 - Attraversamento di Vicenza
Verona-Padua High-Speed/High-Capacity railway
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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