Naples-Bari HS/HC Line
Naples-Bari HS/HC Railway Line, Apice-Hirpinia Section

The Apice-Hirpinia Lot foresees building an overall 18.7 km of HS railway line, of which about 13 km in a tunnel, divided into 3 tunnels (Grottaminarda, Melito and Rocchetta), along a section featuring a high structural and geo-morphological complexity passing through the Ariano Irpino-Grottaminarda, Melito Irpino, Flumeri (Province of Avellino) section and Apice, S Arcangelo and Trimonte-Paduli (Province of Benevento).
The Apice – Hirpinia railway line will be part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), a European Commission policy aimed at integrating the continent's various transport networks.
The new line will allow trains to travel up to 200 kilometres an hour. It adds to other lots of the TEN-T european network that the group is constructing on the Naples-Bari HS/HC line.
AV Napoli-Bari, il progetto della tratta Apice-Hirpinia
AV Napoli-Bari, tratta Apice-Hirpinia: la TBM Aurora si prepara a scavare la galleria Grottaminarda
The project foresees constructing Hirpinia Station, which will include 4 tracks 8two central and two lateral ones), a passenger building built on two levels and two pavements measuring 400 m to serve passengers. The new station will be equipped with a shelter-porch system that will envelop the passenger building. A building for technologies and plants is also foreseen, with canopy roofs for the pavements to serve passengers.
Three double-track natural tunnels are also foreseen to be built with 2 TBMs: the Grottaminarda Tunnel, a double track one, measuring approximately 1965 m in length; the Melito Tunnel, measuring approximately 4413 m in length, which will be equipped with three windows with an emergency exit and a pedestrian tunnel that is parallel to the main tunnel. The third tunnel, the Rocchetta Tunnel, measures approximately 6455 m and will be equipped with 3 windows with emergency exits and two pedestrian tunnels that are parallel to the main tunnel.
The project also includes four viaducts among which the Ufita Hirpinia Viaduct, a double track one, measuring 655 m, with 23 spans (of which 20 spans measuring 25 m each, two 45 m ones and a 65 m one); the Ufita Melito Viaduct, with a length of approximately 230 m; the Ufita Rocchetta Viaduct that measures in total 415 m; the Ufita Apice viaduct measuring in total approximately 705 m, the fourth and final viaduct crossing the Ufita river.
Stories: le persone dentro e fuori i cantieri. Gemelli Diversi. I fratelli Barrasso, AV Napoli-Bari
Tratta Apice-Hirpinia, Linea ferroviaria AVAC Napoli-Bari, Galleria Grottaminarda