Global Managerial Academy
We invest in people, so that we can grow
Our people are our most important value. Their skills, passion and dedication are behind every work that we build. Our Group cannot grow if our people do not. This is why, in Webuild, we believe training to be fundamental.
Webuild's Global Managerial Academy launched in 2020. This internal managerial school aims at strengthening and developing the skills of our people, while promoting the development of our company culture.
It addresses people with key roles or who are growing in Webuild. It is structured differently, according to the level of seniority., involving profiles from different geographical areas, professional families and functions. Moreover, each edition is structured differently according to the seniority levels of the group of participants.
The Global Managerial Academy offers our managers specific training activities, identified through accurate processes that analyse needs and that are mandatory to reach the Webuild's change management and organizational development strategic targets. Based on a digital corporate simulation and on learning experience, the programme aims at empowering the skills needed to excel in business, promoting a leadership culture that guides change, to manage complexity, inclusion, and to bring more value to resources.

The Global Managerial Academy promotes a leadership culture
- Development of a strategic mentality and carrying out behaviours supporting the execution of Webuild's strategy and for managing complexity;
- Leadership promotion based on change, which speeds up corporate results, focusing on profit, safety and on execution quality;
- Development of people skills and support to intercultural organization;
- Collaboration and support of all functions and business units;
- Promotion of an in-depth understanding of the Group's organizational model, processes and procedures.

Global Managerial Academy in numbers
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Managers trained since 2020
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Years of project activity
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Hours/person of training provided since 2020
The Global Managerial Academy promotes Webuild's culture and values, favouring change, a managerial approach and a shared style of leadership, making networking and the exchange of information between colleagues working in different realities and roles easier