Webuild NextGen Challenge4Sud
Completed the first edition 2021-2022

Challenge4Sud: a new challenge of ideas for the engineering students of the Universities of Southern Italy
Would you like to go far?Start from your very homeland.
For a future in the South of Italy, built on the talent of its young people
Webuild believes in young talent, as a driving force for the socio-economic development of Southern Italy and the whole of the country. Therefore, the Group launched Challenge4Sud: a new initiative dedicated to young students from Southern Italian Universities, to promote research and technological innovation in infrastructures, and prepare the new generations for entering the work arena.
Challenge4Sud is aimed at all students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Engineering at the Universities of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily, who will compete in a real challenge to develop and propose the most innovative sustainable ideas, in the digital technological field to support infrastructures.
The initiative is the concrete symbol of the collaboration between the academic and business world: Challenge4Sud - promoted by the University of Salento and by "Stati Generali del Mondo del Lavoro", with the participation of Webuild and PwC - offers students the opportunity to get to know the universe of companies, interact with the engineers who work in Webuild, participating in moments of collaboration and value co-creation.
Challege4Sud. You Challege, We Change!
Challenge4Sud - Webuild NextGen
Innovation begins with you. Take part in Challenge4Sud!
Who can participate?
Challenge4Sud is aimed at all students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Engineering at the Universities of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily.
Submissions are closed.
How can you participate?
- Bootcamp #Challenge4Sud. We have presented the challenges during the event.
- Sign up for the challenge. Submissions are closed.
- Discover your work group. Once registrations for the challenge are closed, work groups will be created, and your group will be communicated to you via email.
- Prepare your project. You and your team will have about 30 days to prepare your proposal for the construction site of the future;
- Present your project. You will present your proposal in a live streaming event;
- The awarding ceremony! After examining all projects, the Challenge4Sud jury will decide the 3 best ideas for the future of infrastructure, in a final live streaming event.
What are the challenges?
The three briefs that Webuild is challenging with Challenge4Sud, focus on the interaction between artificial intelligence, computer vision and digital models applied to the building site of the future.
Artificial intelligence and computer vision for a new approach to site safety management - CHALLENGE 2:
Internet of things and computer vision for the management of materials and equipment on site - CHALLENGE 3:
Reconstruction and analysis of works and structures integrating BIM, artificial intelligence and computer vision
What will be evaluated?
The Jury, made up of academic and corporate representatives, will evaluate the projects according to:
Usefulness and value of the proposed project in relation to the specific challenge; - FEASIBILITY
Possibility of the proposed project being realised and implemented; - INNOVATION
Creativity and topicality of the project - PRESENTATION
Clarity, effectiveness and completeness of the presentation