3 Water Treatment Plants

Webuild’s subsidiary Fisia Italimpianti owns 100% of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract commissioned by Paracel SA, to build three water treatment plants for a new pulp mill being developed in Paraguay. Located on the shore of the Paraguay River near the city of Concepción, the first plant will treat water from the river at a capacity of 7,000 cubic metres per hour. The second will be a demineralisation water plant for 1,350 cubic metres per hour. The third will be an effluent treatment plant with a capacity of 6,600 cubic metres per hour within the complex of the pulp mill.
Contractor: Fisia Italimpianti (Gruppo Webuild)

Technical data
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mc/h water treatment capacity, plant 1
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mc/h water treatment capacity, plant 2
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mc/h water treatment capacity, plant 3